Perspective and Commitment on Corporate Social Responsibility


As a transnational group, in order to pursue the steady growth of the group and the sustainable operation of the enterprise, Fuburg attaches equal importance to operating performance, social responsibility and global citizen responsibility. Internally, it has become an important part of the group culture and employee code of conduct. Externally, it continues to launch environmentally friendly products, pays attention to social issues and public welfare care. Through such top-down implementation, the best results have been achieved in corporate social responsibility and corporate profit pursuit, creating an endless growth momentum for the group.

Facing factors such as global environmental changes, fierce brand competition in the market, and fluctuations in raw material prices, the industry in which Fuburg is located is deeply affected by environmental changes. In recent years, Fuburg has continued to transform at different levels and is committed to product innovation and development, developing high-profit, diversified products, service implementation, and benefiting consumers with reasonable profits. In addition to developing new generation of material products, the company is also actively establishing a cloud care home delivery (CRM) service platform to enhance the customer service network. At the same time, we do not forget our corporate social responsibility and global citizen role. We have set up a cross-departmental CSR promotion team internally to conduct employee advocacy, and carry out relevant work to implement according to the global sustainable development report standards and guidelines. Participate in various social welfare activities and cooperate with Fuburg Charity Education Foundation to implement ESG through relevant donation activities and care for disadvantaged groups.

ESG Management Committee Organizational Structure

Organizational structure
  1. The management department of the company is responsible for proposing and implementing sustainable development policies or systems, and reporting to the board of directors on a regular basis. FUBURG has also established a sustainable development team with five major working groups: corporate governance group, customer care group, social welfare group, employee care group, and environmental sustainability group, which are implemented by each working group and discussed through internal meetings. Propose the performance results and future goals of the sustainability issues you are responsible for, and analyze and continuously promote the company’s business philosophy, development of sustainable environment and social welfare obligations.
  2. Regularly report the sustainable development implementation results and future work plans to the board of directors every year. In 2023, there were a total of 4 reports to the board of directors. The contents of the proposals include (1) Greenhouse gas inventory and verification schedule planning. (Quarterly report) (2) 2022 ESG Sustainability Report.